Prescription Drug Update: You May Soon See Reduced Copays for Specialty Medications



Prescription costs have risen consistently over the last decade. Each year, the Joint Health Management Board (JHMB) looks at ways to impede this trend and improve service quality for our members. Recently, the JHMB approved a new program offered by MedImpact to both reduce prescription costs for our members and the Plan, as well as add another layer of personalized service for members taking specialty medications.

New Specialty Medications Copay Assistance Program

In the coming weeks, MedImpact will begin outreach efforts to eligible members to enroll them in the new specialty medications copay program. Some members may see reduced copay costs below the current $35/50 levels, if their particular medication is included in the program. 

What You Need to Do

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If you’re eligible for the program, you’ll first receive an “Action Required” letter from MedImpact detailing the change and the specific medications eligible for the program. Shortly thereafter, you’ll receive an outreach phone call from a dedicated Customer Care representative to enroll you in the program by scheduling you for your next refill. 

Stay on the look out for upcoming program communications from MedImpact regarding the new specialty medications copay program. Should you have additional questions, please contact please contact MedImpact’s Dedicated Line for Fresno Unified at (833) 640-2849 – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

REMINDER: Patient Support Services 

For those of you currently taking specialty medications, remember that MedImpact Specialty offers the following patient support services at no charge: 

  • Personalized support to help you achieve the best results from your prescribed therapy
  • Convenient delivery to your home or prescriber’s office
  • Easy access to a Care Team who can answer medication questions, provide educational materials about your condition, help you manage any potential medication side effects, and provide confidential support—all with one toll-free phone call.

If you have any questions, or would like to begin taking advantage of these complimentary patient support services, please call MedImpact Specialty toll free at (877) 437-9012.

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