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How Enrolling in Another Medicare Plan Could Disenroll You from Your FUSD Retirement Plan



If you are a Medicare-eligible retiree of Fresno Unified School District, you have the opportunity to take advantage of various healthcare benefits, as provided by the District and the Joint Health Management Board. To maintain enrollment in a Fresno Unified Medicare Advantage plan, you must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B. You must also keep up with your Medicare premiums and IRMAA fees, if applicable, to maintain coverage.

If you enroll in another Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D plan later, you will be disenrolled from the Fresno Unified School District Employee Healthcare Plan. If you are disenrolled, you may not be able to re-enroll until the next annual open enrollment period or during a HIPAA special enrollment event.

You can only enroll in one Medicare Advantage plan and/or one Medicare Part D plan at once.

What if I see an ad telling me to enroll in another plan?

Fresno Unified offers two Medicare Advantage retiree health plans (a PPO option and an HMO option), and you can only be in one Medicare Advantage plan at a time. Talk to the Fresno Unified Benefits Department about the rules before you consider enrolling in another Medicare Advantage plan.

Joining another Medicare Advantage plan will cause you to lose coverage for yourself, your spouse, and your dependents, and again, you may not be able to get it back until the next annual open enrollment period or upon a HIPAA special enrollment event.

What if I don’t pay my premiums and fees?

As previously stated, you must keep up with your Medicare premiums and IRMMA fees to maintain your coverage. The Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) is an amount you may pay in addition to your Part B or Part D premium if your income is above a certain level.

What if I lost my coverage or want to change plans?

If you lost your other coverage, you may be able to re-enroll into the Fresno Unified Medicare Advantage Plan since that would fall under a HIPAA special enrollment event. If you want to change plans between the Medicare Advantage retiree health plans with Fresno Unified, you will need to wait until the open enrollment period, which is October through November.

Will I get Part A and Part B automatically, or will I have to sign up?

If you’re already getting benefits from Social Security, you’ll automatically get Part A and Part B starting the first day of the month you turn 65. If you automatically get Medicare, you will get your red, white, and blue Medicare card in the mail three months before your 65th birthday, and you won’t need to pay a premium for Part A (sometimes called “premium-free Part A”), although you will need to pay a premium for Part B.

If you’re close to 65, but NOT getting Social Security, you will need to sign up for Medicare. You can also contact Social Security three months before you turn 65 to set up an appointment.

How do I sign up for Medicare or check my Medicare enrollment status?

To sign up for Part A and/or B, visit or contact Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. TTY users should call 1-800-325-0778. The current Medicare General Enrollment Period (to enroll in Part A and B) ends on March 31, 2024. You may have to pay a late enrollment penalty if you don’t sign up during general enrollment or your initial enrollment eligibility period.

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I agree to represent my school/department as the Wellness Champion for this school year. I understand the outlined roles and responsibilities of the Wellness Champion and will assist in the implementation and coordination of wellness initiatives. I agree to not only support the WellPATH Employee Wellness program by my participation, but to collaborate with my local management team to support the initiatives as well. I understand that the success of the program hinges on all employees being empowered to make informed decisions that positively impact their health. The WellPATH program can count on me to be a messenger and motivator and to help gather information from my co-workers, principals and managers to help foster a culture of wellness within Fresno Unified School District that supports good health.

I also understand that I may be asked to assist in scheduling rooms and programs (including wellness screenings, seasonal influenza program) at my location, displaying WellPATH brochures, posters, etc. in appropriate areas, and encouraging my co-workers to be involved in the WellPATH Employee Wellness program.

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All WellPATH-sponsored activities are open to active employees, spouses, domestic partners, dependent children age 18+, early retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees covered under the District’s health benefit plan.
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