REMINDER: Need to Add a Dependent to Your Benefits Coverage? You May Have 30-60 Days to Do it



TO:         Fresno Unified School District Employees/Retirees

DATE:     May 17, 2020

Generally, dependents are only eligible to be added to your benefits coverage once a year – during the annual Open Enrollment period. However, there are certain situations (known as “qualifying life events”) that allow you to add dependents and/or spouses to your benefits coverage outside of the annual Open Enrollment period.

Depending on the life event, you have either 30 or 60 days to request enrollment through the District, otherwise you’ll have to wait until the annual Open Enrollment period. Here’s an overview of the different qualifying life events and their respective notification requirements:

Must Request within 30 Days of the Qualifying Life Event

  • Loss of Coverage: If your dependents lose eligibility for other coverage due to separation/divorce, termination of employment or reduction in hours, death or cessation of employer contributions.
  • New Dependent: If you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, entering into a domestic partnership, birth, adoption or placement for adoption. Spouses or Domestic Partners may also be eligible to be enrolled as a result of this event.

Must Request within 60 Days of the Qualifying Life Event

  • SCHIP Eligibility: If your dependents experience a loss of eligibility for Medicaid or a State Children’s Health Insurance Program (“SCHIP”) coverage; or if your dependents become eligible for a state premium assistance subsidy through Medicaid or a SCHIP program with respect to coverage under this Plan.

As long as the notification requirements are met, coverage will generally start relative to the date of the qualifying life event; however, certain circumstances may apply, so please always be sure to check the Plan booklet for specific details.

If you have a qualifying life event, the best first step is to contact the Benefits Department. They will assist you in gathering the appropriate documentation to complete the special enrollment. For more information or questions regarding enrolling dependents/spouses due to a qualifying life event, please contact the Benefits Department at (559) 457-3520.

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I agree to represent my school/department as the Wellness Champion for this school year. I understand the outlined roles and responsibilities of the Wellness Champion and will assist in the implementation and coordination of wellness initiatives. I agree to not only support the WellPATH Employee Wellness program by my participation, but to collaborate with my local management team to support the initiatives as well. I understand that the success of the program hinges on all employees being empowered to make informed decisions that positively impact their health. The WellPATH program can count on me to be a messenger and motivator and to help gather information from my co-workers, principals and managers to help foster a culture of wellness within Fresno Unified School District that supports good health.

I also understand that I may be asked to assist in scheduling rooms and programs (including wellness screenings, seasonal influenza program) at my location, displaying WellPATH brochures, posters, etc. in appropriate areas, and encouraging my co-workers to be involved in the WellPATH Employee Wellness program.

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All WellPATH-sponsored activities are open to active employees, spouses, domestic partners, dependent children age 18+, early retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees covered under the District’s health benefit plan.
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