Concentrated asian middle aged female teacher in glasses sitting at desk using portable computer and examining paperwork

What Changed in Your FUSD Full-Time or Part-Time Benefits Plans?



Benefits enrollment for 2024 is now open and there’s a lot changing, including updates to your medical, dental, and vision plans. We highly recommend that you take the time to review the plan changes through your unique enrollment link to our online enrollment system. In just a few minutes, the system walks you through each of your enrollment decisions for the upcoming year, including:

  • Reviewing benefit plan updates for 2024
  • Selecting/adding your dependents
  • Electing your medical, dental, and vision coverage
  • Reviewing information about how to enroll/re-enroll in your Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) with American Fidelity

Check Your Email for Your Unique Enrollment Link

If you have not yet begun your enrollment, we encourage you to begin as soon as possible to address any issues or questions that may arise in the enrollment process. You can start and finish when it’s convenient for you using the unique hyperlink that we sent to this email address on October 1.

As a reminder, if you wish to make any changes to your existing coverage, or add/remove eligible dependents, you must complete your enrollment online by no later than Thursday, November 30, 2023. All changes will be effective January 1, 2024.

We’re excited to offer you a simple way to review and update your annual benefits. If you have any questions, please contact the Benefits Department at (559) 457-3520.

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Become a WellPATH Champion

If your site is not listed, please include your location below.

I agree to represent my school/department as the Wellness Champion for this school year. I understand the outlined roles and responsibilities of the Wellness Champion and will assist in the implementation and coordination of wellness initiatives. I agree to not only support the WellPATH Employee Wellness program by my participation, but to collaborate with my local management team to support the initiatives as well. I understand that the success of the program hinges on all employees being empowered to make informed decisions that positively impact their health. The WellPATH program can count on me to be a messenger and motivator and to help gather information from my co-workers, principals and managers to help foster a culture of wellness within Fresno Unified School District that supports good health.

I also understand that I may be asked to assist in scheduling rooms and programs (including wellness screenings, seasonal influenza program) at my location, displaying WellPATH brochures, posters, etc. in appropriate areas, and encouraging my co-workers to be involved in the WellPATH Employee Wellness program.

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Request a Service

If your site is not listed, please include your location below.

All WellPATH-sponsored activities are open to active employees, spouses, domestic partners, dependent children age 18+, early retirees, and Medicare-eligible retirees covered under the District’s health benefit plan.
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