Open Enrollment Will Be Online This Year for Full-Time & Part-Time Employees
The Fresno Unified School District Benefits Department is excited to announce a simpler and more sustainable way to enroll in your benefits for the upcoming plan year (2023). Over the last year, we have piloted our new online benefits enrollment system for new hires and now it’s ready for primetime – during this year’s Open Enrollment period for active full-time and part-time employees.
The new system has been designed to walk you through each of your enrollment decisions for the upcoming year, including selecting/adding your dependents and electing your medical, dental, and vision coverage. You can start and finish when it’s convenient for you using the unique hyperlink that we will send to your District email address once enrollment begins on October 1, 2022.
Not only is the new system simple to use, it’s also a way for us to become more sustainable. On average, we print and mail about 225,000 sheets of paper for our active employees each year during the enrollment period. By eliminating all this paper, we’ll save money and the environment – the equivalence of saving 10-20 trees just from this reduction alone.
Open Enrollment Begins October 1, 2022
Be sure to look for an email from the Benefits Department at your District email address starting on October 1st indicating that that your enrollment form is ready.
NOTE: It may take up to 2 days from October 1st for you to receive your enrollment email due to system limitations.
If you wish to make any changes to your existing coverage, or add/remove eligible dependents, you must complete your enrollment online by no later than Wednesday, November 30, 2022. All changes will be effective January 1, 2023.
If you need assistance accessing your District email and/or if you have trouble signing in, please contact the IT Help Desk at 559.457.2600.
At a minimum, we invite you to review that email and take a few moments to learn about the benefits available to you and your family for the upcoming plan year, including eligibility and documents you’ll need to complete your enrollment. Thereafter, you can make time to complete your full enrollment when you’re ready.
We’re excited to offer you a simpler and more sustainable way to enroll in your annual benefits. If you have any questions, please contact the Benefits Department at 559.457.3520.